Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that working around the bay area is vastly different than working in other parts of the country.
There is an online database where you can look up workplace injuries using various criteria.
In the Bay Area, it’s the hospitality & leisure industry that takes the prize for the deadliest jobs. Over the past 5 years, more than 30 bay area hospitality workers have died while on the job.
According to the data, men have far more fatalities than women. The most injured age group is 45-65. The most common cause of death is between “transportation accidents” and “violence and other injuries by persons or animals.”
15. Courier
14. Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, and Hunting
13. Performing Arts
12. Recreation
11. Educational and Health Services
10. Manufacturing
9. Wholesale Trade
8. Waste Management
7. Contractors
6. Accommodation and Food Services
5. Other Services
4. Retail
3. Leisure and Hospitality
2. Transportation
1. Construction
This list is specifically for the bay area not nationwide. If we account nationally, the deadliest jobs is a logging worker in the logging industry. The second deadliest job is a fisherman in the fishing industry. The third deadliest jobs is an airline pilot in the transportation industry.
Whatever your job is, there is always the possibility of an accident happening. In the event it does, it is always a good idea to have a legal pro in your corner.