People That Have Been Injured In An Accident Within The Past Two Years May Be Eligible For More Compensation Than What The Insurance Company Offers.
Have A Lawyer Review Your Claim For Free.
In most states, if you have been injured in a car accident that was due to another driver’s negligence then you are entitled to pursue a lawsuit with a car accident lawyer to recover compensation for injuries, suffering, lost wages, medical bills, property damage, and other expenses. Unfortunately, there are many cases of negligence on the road these days. Texting while driving, incompetent or unfit for driving, and driving under the influence are just a few examples of cases where automobile crash and a physical injury can result in a legal case to recover your losses. Furthermore, if punitive damages are applicable, your compensation could be higher than you expect.
Daniel Weltin is a “Super Lawyers” rated attorney who has recovered over $50 million dollars for his clients.
These are some more of the most common causes of driver negligence that occur where compensation can be sought out:
Distracted driving –texting or talking on a cell phone, paying attention to radio controls, focused on talking to passengers
Speeding – exceeding the posted speed limit results in reduced control by the driver and more frequent accidents
Driving under the influence, alcohol or drugs – this is the cause of many unfortunate crashes, injuries, deaths
Not obeying the rules of the road – rules and laws must be followed by all and ignorance is not a defense
Driver fatigue – professional drivers who work overly excessive hours or other drivers that get behind the wheel in a dangerous condition are liable
Equipment failure – issues with tires and brakes are a common cause of accidents which should be prevented with personal responsibility but are all too often neglected which results in accidents and injury
You may be able to seek compensation by working with a car accident lawyer if you were harmed by an auto accident that was due to faulty equipment, including:
Faulty brakes – improperly installed, poor design, inadequately maintained
Defective tires – tires that explode, leak or shred due to age or other issues
Harmed by recalled auto parts – recently recalled vehicles causing severe injury or death
Operators may not be the only liable parties that you can seek compensation from. Manufacturers, mechanics, their employers, tire stores, brake stores, and others may be at fault for your injuries. The Law Offices of Daniel Weltin will leave no stone unturned including accident reports, witness statements, vehicle maintenance records, any and all evidence that will support your claim. If a fair settlement is not reached we are ready to take your case to trial to seek the compensation that you deserve.
Remember that insurance companies do not have the client’s best interest in mind but instead will always make decisions aimed to save as much money as possible by paying the least amount of compensation they can. But a car accident lawyer only works with your interests in mind. In Daniel’s own words, “Under all circumstances, an injured victim should contact an attorney before speaking on a recorded line with an insurance company, even their own.” When you are represented by an experienced, skilled and respected lawyer the insurance companies and liable third parties are more inclined to pay, because they know that your lawyer will not hesitate to take the case to trial for a verdict.
For a free case evaluation, contact The Law Offices of Daniel Weltin by calling (510) 319-1904. There are no upfront fees and all cases are taken on contingency; if we do not win there are no fees at all.
If you’re in an accident, you need to contact a car accident lawyer!
We offer a 100% Free Consultation and No Up-Front Fees for all personal injury clients so don’t hesitate to call (510) 319-1904 today.
If an automobile accident has caused you injury you are entitled to compensation. The Law Offices of Daniel Weltin are experienced and ready to assist you and fight for the compensation that you are fairly owed such as:
Medical Expenses
Lost income
Pain and suffering
Property damage
Call us at (510) 319-1904, or email us.
We will always provide a free consultation and no upfront fees to victims of an automobile accident. Don’t hesitate as many of these cases must be filed within a limited time period. Each state and situation is different so call today to be sure you are able to seek the compensation that you rightfully deserve. We take auto accident and other personal injury cases on a contingency fee basis, which means that our earnings are deducted from the amount that we obtain in a settlement or court proceeding. If we do not win your case you are not charged any fees.
Don’t hesitate to call a car accident lawyer whenever a collision happens on the road, as the outcome is almost always catastrophe or death. At The Law Offices of Daniel Weltin we have recovered fair and substantial settlements for many people whose lives were tragically altered by car-truck accidents. Some examples of cases we have handled include pedestrian-car collision resulting in a fractured leg: We were able to achieve a $750,000 settlement, up to 10X what the insurance companies were initially offering for settlement. Another case of car and semi-trailer collision resulting in a shoulder injury: we were able to achieve fair compensation of $750,000 for personal injury and other damages.
You need an experienced lawyer on your side. For free, no-obligation consultation, call (510) 319-1904 now, or tell your story below. Get the compensation you deserve.